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International Transfers: Shipments, Hand-Carry and Electronic Transmissions 

Stony Brook University (SBU) faculty, staff, and students may internationally ship or hand-carry items and/or electronically send information/software (Transfers).  Transfers can be either permanent or temporary and may be for the travelers own benefit or for the benefit of an international person/entity.

Request an Export Review of the Transfer (NetID login required) 

Restricted Party Screening Requirement

SBU faculty, staff,  or students that will Transfer any item or information  are required to complete a Restricted Party Screening.

Exception to the Restricted Party Screening in situations where the hand-carry is for their own use or the shipment is to return equipment for repair or refund to a vendor.    

Third-Party Authorizations/Approvals  

Items/information received from a third party’s may require prior approval to transfer the items/information.  Before transfer of these items/information make sure to review the terms of any agreement (e.g., contract, grant, material transfer agreement, non-disclosure agreement).

Classification Requirement 

Classification of the item/information is required regardless of the type of Transfer (i.e., shipment, hand-carry, or electronic transmission).  This includes campus created item, non-public information, and software.  The classification will detemrine the body of export control regulations that item/information falls under and any license requirements for the Transfer.  

Classification of Items and Information Overview

Transfer Examples 

  • Temporarily send an item overseas for repair/calibration/etc
  • Temporarily send an item to a foreign country for field work by a researcher (myself or someone else)
  • Permanently send an item to a foreign collaborator. 
  • Return an item to a foreign collaborator who loaned it to SBU 
  • Permanently send an item to a foreign party who has requested the item (via a Material Transfer Agreement) or donation
  • Hand-carry an item into the field for research (by myself or someone else)
  • Send technical data to a collaborator over email 
  • Discuss export technology over the phone

Option 1 - Self Assessment of International Transfer


Export Control Review for Shipments, Hand-Carry, or Electronic Transmissions to a non-SBU Party

For use when either SBU faculty, staff, or student will not maintain control over the item being shipped/hand-carried or for use with electronic transmissions to a non-SBU party. 


Export Control Review for Hand-Carry for Own Use or Transfer to a SBU Person Abroad

For use when either SBU faculty, staff, or student will maintain control over the item being shipped/hand-carried.

Tools of the Trade - License Exception under the Export Administration Regulations

This does not apply to items and technical data controlled under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations. A license is always required for these items and technical data.


Option 2 - University Assessment of International Transfer

Request an Export Review of the Transfer (NetID Login Required).