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Competitions & Events

The Office of Sustainability believes in engaging the campus community in competitions and events throughout the year with the hopes of keeping students, faculty and staff active in Sustainability and Energy Management projects. Take a look at a number of the events and competitions available on Stony Brook's campus.


Earthstock is a week-long event that celebrates Sustainability and Environmental Conservation through lectures, debates and speeches all culminating in a campus-wide festival on the Academic Mall. Our commitment to a green future is evident everywhere on our 1,400 acres, from reducing our carbon footprint, to advocating recycling and using recycled materials whenever possible, to promoting alternatively fueled transportation.

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Growing Red Days

Growing Red Days allow SBU students, faculty and staff a chance to give back to the university by helping to beautify the campus through various planting projects. The program, which has already seen great success in its first 5 years of existence, consists of designated days where all students, faculty and staff are invited to help in a specific planting and beautifying project on campus. The efforts of Stony Brook University's Office of Sustainability and the Grounds staff are continuing the tradition of dedicated beautification efforts that have worked to enhance the campus in the past. 

Wolf Ride Challenge

The Wolf Ride Challenge is an annual bike share competition held during the month of October that encourages students to rent bikes from Stony Brook University’s bike share stations as a sustainable way of moving around campus. Individual rides are only recorded if the student’s total ride time lasted under an hour, the length of time in which Wolf Ride bikes are free to use. At the end of the Challenge, each student’s ride time is calculated by the Office of Sustainability to determine the three highest cumulative ride times. Initiatives like the Wolf Ride Bike Share are being implemented to help the University reduce its carbon footprint and do its part to provide a healthy environment for all.

Wolf Ride Bike Share