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Wolf Ride Bike Share

SBU Wolf Ride Bike Share is the University's bike share system that provides students, faculty, staff and visitors with a sustainable, healthy transportation alternative. SBU Wolf Ride Bike Share is operated by the University's Office of Sustainability and is a "per ride" bicycle sharing system that provides users with the ability to travel from one University location to another using a zero emissions form of transportation. In addition to environmental advantages, Wolf Ride also serves to limit roadway vehicular congestion and encourages health and physical exercise.

Program Details

SBU Wolf Ride Bike Share is comprised of fourteen (14) solar powered bike stations and ninety-eight (98) bicycles. Current SBU students, faculty, staff and visitors may use a Wolf Ride bicycle by unlocking it from a station, riding it and then docking it at another station on campus. Wolf Ride bicycles can be used at the University and serve to augment existing SBU Transit Service.

Wolf Ride stations are located in proximity to the following University buildings:

  • Athletic Fields
  • Javits Lecture
  • James College (M&H Quad)
  • Library / Sustainability Studies
  • Life Sciences
  • Long Island Railroad (LIRR)
  • South Campus
  • South P Lot (now Lot 40)
  • Student Activities Center
  • Tabler Quad
  • Wang Center
  • West Apartments C
  • West Apartments I
  • West Side Dining

For questions or comments please reach out to Mobility & Parking Services:

(631) 632-6277

Informative maps that display all Wolf Ride stations, the Paul Simons Memorial Bike Path and other bike friendly infrastructure are located at each Wolf Ride station.


Bike Share History

In Spring 2011, the Stony Brook University Environmental Stewardship Office launched a bicycle sharing program that was offered to Stony Brook University students in order to promote healthier habits, reduce the need for automobiles on campus and reduce our campus carbon footprint. The first round of the program started in 2011 and was an overwhelming success. After some initial lessons learned and feedback provided by participants, the University augmented the program in order to increase its effectiveness.

The original bike share program started with 25 bicycles that were purchased by the University and each bike had a unique lock and key assigned to it. Selected students were issued a specific bicycle for the semester and were required to pay a $15.00 semester fee and a $15.00 bike, key and helmet deposit. Once payments were made, selected students would watch a short introductory/safety video, sign a waiver form and pick-up their bike, key and helmet from the Environmental Stewardship Office.

Participants were responsible for the issued bike for the length of the semester and were permitted to ride it around campus and lock it up utilizing the existing bike racks on campus.

Since launching its initial bike share program, the University considered a variety of solutions in order to grow bike share and increase its accessibility. Through such efforts, the University developed and launched SBU Wolf Ride Bike Share in spring 2013.