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WISE students receive the benefit of individualized academic advising by faculty members. Members of the WISE Working Group help students choose their courses during WISE's special orientation session. In the fall semester, WISE devotes an evening program to selecting courses for the spring semester. In addition, students can contact staff members for help with course selection. Once students choose their courses, they are entitled to priority registration because they are members of WISE.

Faculty members also provide assistance in identifying research and other opportunities, and access to a variety of internship positions.

Priority Registration allows WISE students to have "first pick" of their courses by class year. As a result, students are more likely to get into the courses they choose.

Please schedule your advising appointment through Navigate.  If the advising days/times in Navigate conflict with one’s course schedule, please email Jacki or Janet directly to schedule an appointment.


Jacquelyn Gatta

Please check navigate for available appointments

Schedule with Jacquelyn