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Mariposa Conference Award

During Fall 2024 LACS is instituting the Mariposa Conference Award for a non-citizen graduate student of Latin American, US Latinx, or Caribbean background. Application materials include a 2-pg max. biographical statement that focuses on personal accomplishments, academic/career goals, and a description of a conference that the student has been accepted to and wishes to attend; and a detailed recommendation letter from one professor (preferably the student's advisor). The chosen student will receive a $500 credit which LACS will use to pay for airfare and/or hotel for a conference of the student's choosing (proof of acceptance/attendance required). Applications will open up shortly. 

Applications are due by October 15


LACS Graduate Student Research Fellowships (GSRF)

In Spring 2021 LACS started awarding summer research fellowships to graduate students across SBU with research topics related to Latin America and the Caribbean. The awards are given every Spring. Students share their projects in progress at the fall's Colloquium. See the following poster  to apply, 

LACS 2024