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Phase 3: Building a Strong and Healthy Foundation

As we start Phase 3 — Building a Strong and Healthy Foundation — it is important to recognize that these first initiatives are not an end unto themselves.  Rather, they serve, along with our flexibility, commitment, and resolve; to remove barriers and to build a strong and healthy foundation that will lead us to financial fitness, sustainability, and ultimately enable us to achieve our strategic objectives.


The Process

In October of 2020, we launched the Strategic Budget Initiate (SBI) which was designed to be a collaborative, strategic undertaking to identify both short-term operational and longer-term opportunities to improve our financial position.  That work has been powered by five task forces and sixteen working groups responsible for idea generation, analysis, validation, and recommendations in distinct subject areas.  

Over the past seven months, over 300 faculty and staff have engaged directly in the SBI with thousands more participating in surveys, meetings and campus conversations. Overall hundreds of ideas were generated, researched, evaluated, and prioritized with 23 initiatives ultimately presented to a broad leadership team—including all Deans—with the potential to save or generate millions of dollars.  


The Initiatives

The final Working Group Reports presented to leadership in May 2021 are linked below.  A subset of initiatives from these reports were selected to move forward to implementation.

Research & Innovation

Increase and enhance faculty research through new support mechanisms

Enhancing Research Productivity

Facilitating Researcher Success (FRS)

Strategic Growth Research

Streamlining Facilities and Space

Academic Portfolio

Expand programing to reach new student segments 

Tuition Revenue Share Strategy

Streamlining Program Approval

Masters Program Development & Management

CP & EE Program Management

Stony Brook Medicine

Improve efficiency/facilitate collaboration through improved processes & support 

SBUH Clinical Rotations

Optimization Across SBM Professional Schools

Clinical Billing

Operations Alignment

Reduce administrative burden by streamlining and automating processes

Cost Containment

External Clients Joint Working Group

Paperless HR

Streamlining Recruitment and Hiring

Optimization of Campus Resources

Grow available resources with new revenue streams and cost containment strategy

Sponsorship & Brand Partnerships

Conference Services


The Steps to Implementation

While not every initiative will follow the same path or timeline, generally speaking, progress for each will fall into the following stages:

  1. Planning & Preparation
  2. Launch & Execution
  3. Monitor & Adjust
  4. Completion

More detail around the individual initiatives can be found by clicking on each above.