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Celebrating 60 Years of the University Libraries -
A Photo Exhibition and History
University Special Collections and University Archives

University Libraries - Learn About Library Resources

Admissions - What's A Seawolf Coloring Station
Office of Admissions

Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) Mentorship Network - Culture Through Trivia Games
University Libraries

The Price Is Right! - Guess How Much Campus Purchases Are
Stony Brook Procurement Office

Vision Boarding - See Your Dreams Come to Life by Creating Mini Vision Boards
The College of Business & Beta Alpha Psi

Seawolf Philanthropy Council Tabling - Try the SBU Acronym Trivia Challenge
Department of University Advancement

Art in Nature - Learn About the Community Garden and Make Various Paper Crafts
Stony Brook University Community Garden

Send a Smile - Decorate Cards For Cancer Patients Nationwide
Center for Service Learning and Community Service

Plant Sale - Support Education and Medicine Programs for Children Through a Plant Sale
Project Sunshine at Stony Brook University

Employer of Choice 
Human Resources and Economic Development

Building Bridges - Meet Your Campus Ministries
Stony Brook Interfaith Center

Protestant Campus Ministry - Art for the Soul