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College of Business Clubs & Organizations

 Build Your Network Before You Graduate!

Getting involved in extracurricular activities can make a huge difference in a student's overall college experience. The College of Business is associated with several student-run academic clubs, co-ed business fraternities, and honor societies. Students are strongly encouraged to get involved in a variety of activities during their time in the College of Business. Below are the organizations currently active in the 2024/25 academic year.

alpha kappa psi logo         american marketing association logo        beta alpha psi logo       delta sigma pi logo                      sbu finance society logo                         risk management & insurance club logoPhi Alpha Delta logo              investment club logo            women in business logo            real estate club logo

American Marketing Association (AMA)

The American Marketing Association (AMA) is an organization that strives to bridge the gap between students and the marketing profession. The AMA provides participants with the ability to take part in national case competitions and experience working hands-on in the business community. In addition, there are AMA-exclusive networking events and job offerings that increase students’ access to professional opportunities. We also provide access to members-only seminars and speakers that will complement classroom education. Finally, the AMA has a strong commitment to volunteering to help the local community and to support national charities that are of immeasurable importance to peoples’ lives.

Meeting Day/Time: Tuesday, 5:00 to 6:00 pm

For More Information: Go to join our GroupMe, follow us on Instagram, or sign up for email alerts! You can also email if you have any questions.

Social Media Channels: @amastonybrook on Instagram

Faculty/Staff Advisor: Stacey Finkelstein

Alpha Kappa Psi

Alpha Kappa Psi is the oldest and largest co-ed business fraternity in the nation, open to all majors. Our mission is to build sharp business leaders within our organization and throughout the campus community. The main focus of Alpha Kappa Psi is to provide leadership development, enhance professional skills, host educational programs and participate in community service. We are deeply rooted in business and all aspects therein; Finance, Accounting, Economics, and more. Alpha Kappa Psi at SBU hosts many professional events each semester; resume workshops, dress for success, and mock interviews in addition to organizing professional networking mixers with actual corporate employers that attend career fairs hosted by the University.

Meeting Day/Time: Sunday, 7:00 to 8:00 pm


Instagram @sbuakpsi

Facebook: Alpha Kappa Psi - Stony Brook


Faculty/Staff Advisor: Bob Ettl

Beta Alpha Psi Omicron Alpha Chapter

Founded in 1919, Beta Alpha Psi is an honor organization for financial information students and professionals. There are over 300 chapters on college and university campuses with over 300,000 members initiated since Beta Alpha Psi's formation. All BAP chapters are AACSB and/or EQUIS accredited. We are not a fraternity or sorority but an honors organization.

The mission of Beta Alpha Psi is to inspire and support excellence by:

    • encouraging the study and practice of accountancy, finance, business analytics or digital technology;
    • providing opportunities for service, professional development, and interaction among
    • members and financial professionals; and
    • fostering lifelong ethical, social, and public responsibilities.

Meeting Day/Time: There is no specific day of the week; please follow the calendar here



Social Media: 

Instagram: @stonybrookbap


Faculty/Staff Advisor: Christie Comunale

Delta Sigma Pi

Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.

Meeting Day/Time: Thursday, 8:00 pm





Tik Tok:

Faculty/Staff Advisor: Jimmy Levin


Real Estate Club

The Real Estate Club in tandem with the Real Estate Institute is dedicated to connecting all students and senior professional leaders within the Real Estate Industry. The REI Club strives to provide opportunities for growth and knowledge in the many outlets that the real estate industry covers. From providing internship opportunities, workshops, real estate license training, and one on one mentorship with our directors. The Real Estate Institute has been operating for over 40 years by facilitating the evolution of real estate on Long Island. Members of the Institute serve as respected spokespersons on contemporary issues and as a resource for professional career development. With the REI Club, current stony brook students now have the pathway and opportunity to learn, experience, and develop alongside the success that the institute has provided for the many years it has been around. The REI Club strives to serve as the bridge between the students and professionals.

Meeting Day/Time: 

E-Board Meetings: Tuesdays 12:00-1:00PM (see below)

General Body Meetings: Thursdays 6:30PM-7:45PM (see below) Harriman 214

Attire: Business Casual


Instagram: ReiClubSbu

Faculty/Staff Advisor: Jimmy Levin

Finance Society (FS)

The Finance Society works closely with the alumni and faculty from the College of Business to provide an environment and safe space for students to share their experiences with others interested in and pertaining to working in finance related fields. Together, we aid our members in identifying the plethora of career paths and job opportunities that our industry has to offer them.

Meeting Day/Time:  Bi-Weekly Friday's from 1-2 PM



Facebook: sbfinancesociety

Faculty/Staff Advisor: Mike Nugent

Investment Club

The Investment Club was founded to allow students to collaborate with other students to build a better understanding of investing, markets, and economics. Members participate in competitions to build greater understanding and experience.

We welcome students of all majors in any academic year since we believe that each member has as much to learn and contribute as any other club member. 

Disclaimer: We are not financial advisors and do not hold responsibility for gains or losses on any capital. Don’t buy investments solely on what you hear.

Meeting Day/Time: Wednesdays, 1:00 to 2:00 pm, Harriman 137



Instagram: sbuinvestmentclub 

Faculty/Staff Advisor: Mike Nugent

Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International

The purpose of this Fraternity is to form a strong bond uniting students and teachers of the law with members of the Bench and Bar in a fraternal fellowship designed to advance the ideals of liberty and equal justice under the law; to foster integrity and professional competence; to promote the welfare of its members; and to encourage their moral, intellectual, and cultural advancement, so that each member may enjoy a lifetime of honorable professional and public service. Phi Alpha Delta has over 300 Pre-Law Chapters, over 200 Law School Chapters and over 90 Alumni Chapters across the US.


Faculty/Staff Advisor: Juliette Passer


Risk Management and Insurance Club

Risk Management and Insurance Club is dedicated to providing its members with a forum for professional and personal development. This club will help students gain a better idea on just what risk management and insurance is and different applications associated with it. The club will provide networking opportunities for students who are interested in working in the insurance industry. In addition, the club will connect with insurance companies with the hope that we can get students internship opportunities that will allow them to work directly in the industry.

Faculty/Staff Advisor: Mike Nugent

Women in Business

Women In Business at Stony Brook University is an organization that empowers and inspires future women business leaders. Our community will help educate, inform, and guide business students at Stony Brook University to help achieve all of their goals- both short-term and long-term. A business organization with just women is a safe place where female leaders can feel heard in their community. We hope to become a tight-knit group during our time at Stony Brook and long thereafter. 

Meeting Day/Time: Wednesdays, 1:00 to 2:00 pm, Frey 105

Contact Info: 

Social Media

Instagram: @womeninbusinesssbu 


Faculty/Staff Advisor: Margot Palermo