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Undergraduate Course Schedules





AMS 102 Elements of Statistics AMS 102 Webpage 
Prerequisite:  Satisfaction of entry skill in mathematics requirement (Skill 1) or satisfactory completion of D.E.C.C.
Note: May not be taken by students with credit for AMS 310311412; ECO 320; POL 201; PSY 201; or SOC 202.
89850 LEC 30 TR 9:30-10:50AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUS Inst: Bakhtavar Hagedorn
89850 LEC 30 FLEX 1:00-1:00AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUS Inst: Bakhtavar Hagedorn

89849 LEC 31 MW 9:30-10:50AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUS Inst: Bakhtavar Hagedorn
89849 LEC 31 FLEX 1:00-1:00AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUS Inst: Bakhtavar Hagedorn

AMS 103 Applied Mathematics in Modern Technology AMS 103 Webpage
Prerequisite:  Level 3 or higher on the mathematics placement examination
91356 LEC 01 MW 9:30-10:50AM Loc: Humanities 1003 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Matthew Reuter

AMS 104 Spreadsheet TechnologyAMS 104 Webpage
Note: Students should have access to a laptop with a spreadsheet program
92204 LEC 01 MW 5:00-6:20PM  Loc: Earth & Space 001 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Fred Rispoli

AMS 110 Probability & Statistics for the Life Sciences AMS 110 Webpage 
 AMS 151 or MAT 125 or 131 
89548 LEC 30 MW 11:00-12:20AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUS  Inst: Bakhtavar Hagedorn
89548 LEC 30 FLEX 1:00-1:00AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUS  Inst: Bakhtavar Hagedorn

89847 LEC 31 TUTH 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUS Inst: Bakhtavar Hagedorn
89847 LEC 31 FLEX 1:00-1:00AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUS Inst: Bakhtavar Hagedorn

AMS 151 Applied Calculus I AMS 151 Webpage 
Prerequisite:  B or higher in MAT 123, or level 5 on the mathematics placement examination; or B or higher in MAT 122 and concurrent registration for MAT 130
89846 LEC 01 M 6:30-9:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: William Bernhard
97519 LEC 02 W 6:30-9:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Evan Denis

AMS 161 Applied Calculus II AMS 161 Webpage 
Prerequisite:  C or higher in AMS 151 or MAT 131, or level 7 on the mathematics placement examination
Note: Intended for CEAS majors.  Not for credit in addition to MAT 127 or 132.
91915 LEC 01 T 6:30-9:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: William Bernhard
91625 LEC 02 R 6:30-9:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: William Bernhard
97492 LEC 03 F 11:00AM-1:50PM Loc: Engineering 143 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Georgios Kementzidis

AMS 210 Applied Linear Algebra AMS 210 Webpage 
Prerequisite:  AMS 151 or MAT 131; Corequisite: MAT 126
Note: May not be taken for credit in addition to MAT 211.
89845 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Engineering 143 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Hyunkyung Lim
89844 LEC 02 TR 3:30-4:50PM Loc: Engineering 145 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: David Green
89843 LEC 03 MW 9:30-10:50AM Loc: Engineering 143Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Dmytro Kozakov

AMS 261 Applied Calculus III AMS 261 Webpage 
Prerequisite:  AMS 161 or MAT 127 or 132
Note: May not be taken for credit in addition to MAT 203 or 205.
89842 LEC 01 MWF 11:00-11:55AM Loc: Earth & Space 001 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Hyunkyung Lim
89841 REC R01 RECM 2:00-2:55PM Loc: Melville Lbry. W4525 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Michael Shimizu
89840 REC R02 RECW 2:00-2:55PM  Loc: Hvy. Engineering 201 Mode: IN PERSON Inst:  Michael Shimizu
90476 REC R03 RECT 12:30-1:25PM Loc: Melville Lbry. E4320 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Nabila Jaman Tripti
91222 REC R04 RECT 3:30-4:25PM Loc: Frey Hall 201  Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Nabila Jaman Tripti

97493 LEC02 TR 8:00-9:20PM Loc: Engineering 143 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Iordan Michev
97494 REC R05 RECR 6:30-7:25PM Loc: ENGINEERING 143 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Iordan Michev

AMS 300 Writing in Applied Mathematics AMS 300 Webpage 
Prerequisites:  WRT 102; AMS major; U3 or U4 standing. 
96809 SEM S01 M 2:00-2:55PM Loc: Staller Center 3216 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Francesca Polo

AMS 301 Finite Mathematical Structures AMS 301 Webpage 
 AMS 210 or MAT 211 or AMS 361 or MAT 303
89839 LEC 01 TR 5:00-6:20PM Loc: Lt. Engineering 102Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Xiaolin Li
89838 LEC 03 TR 12:30-1:50PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 110 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Evangelos Coutsias

AMS 303 Graph Theory AMS 303 Webpage
Prerequisite:  AMS 301
91778 LEC 01 TR 6:30-7:50PM Loc: Lt. Engineering 102 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Alan Tucker

AMS 310 Survey of Probability and Statistics AMS 310 Webpage
Prerequisite:  AMS 161 or MAT 126, 132
Note: May not be taken for credit in addition to ECO 320
89837 LEC 01 TR 12:30-1:50PM Loc: Frey Hall 104 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Yan Yu
89836 LEC 02 MWF 8:25-9:50AM  Loc: Engineering 143 Mode: IN PERSON Inst:  Matthew Reuter
91532 LEC 03 MW 6:30-7:50PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 102 Mode: IN PERSON  Inst:  Fred Rispoli

AMS 311 Probability Theory AMS 311 Webpage  
Prerequisites:  AMS 301 and AMS 310, or permission of instructor
Corequisite:  MAT 203 or AMS 261
89835 LEC 01 TR 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: Engineering 143 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Jiaqiao Hu

AMS 315 Data Analysis AMS 315 Webpage  
Prerequisite:  AMS 310  
89834 LEC 01 TR 2:00-3:20PM Loc:  Engineering 143 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Yan Yu

AMS 316 Time Series Analysis AMS 316 Webpage
Prerequisites: AMS 311 and 315
90986 LEC 01 MW 3:30-4:50PM Loc: Melville Lbry. E4320 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Haipeng Xing

AMS 317 Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis AMS 317 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 315; AMS 210 or MAT 211
92028 LEC 01 TR 8:00-9:20PM Loc: Frey Hall 205 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Silvia Sharna

AMS 318 Financial Mathematics AMS 318 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 310
91464 LEC 30 MW 8:00-9:20AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUS Inst: Bakhtavar Hagedorn
91464 LEC 30 FLEX 1:00-1:00AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUS Inst: Bakhtavar Hagedorn

AMS 325 Computer & Programming Fundamentals AMS 325 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 210 or MAT 211; AMS Major
92037 LEC 01 MW 8:00-9:20PM Loc: Frey Hall 305 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Ryan Kaufman

AMS 333 Mathematical Biology AMS 333 Webpage
Prerequisites:  AMS 161 or  MAT 132; U3 or U4 standing; or permission of the instructor
91224 LEC 01 TR 12:30-1:50PM Loc: Harriman 116  Mode: IN PERSON Inst: David Green

AMS 335 Game Theory AMS 335 Webpage 
PrerequisitesAMS 151 or MAT 125 or 131; C or higher in ECO 303 
91708 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Melville Lbry. E4330 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Yair Tauman

AMS 341 Operations Research I: Deterministic ModelsAMS 341 Webpage
Prerequisites: AMS 210 or MAT 211 or MAT 307 and MAT 308
91221 LEC 01 MW 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Esther Arkin

AMS 345 Computational GeometryAMS 345 Webpage
Prerequisites: AMS 301; programming knowledge of C or C++ or Java
91108 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 103 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Joseph Mitchell
92056 LEC 02 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Joseph Mitchell

AMS 351 Applied Algebra AMS 351 Webpage 
PrerequisiteAMS 210 or MAT 211
Advisory Prerequisite
: MAT 200, CSE 150, CSE 215 or equivalent
Note: Offered as AMS 351 and MAT 312 
90046 LEC 01 TR 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: Melville Lbry. W4550 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Robert Lazarsfeld
90519 REC R01 RECT 12:30-1:25 PM Loc: Physics P117 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Randall Kayser
90520 REC R02 RECW 11:00-11:55AM Loc: Hvy. Engineering 201Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Srijan Ghosh
91923 REC R03 RECR 9:30-10:25AM Loc: Physics P117 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Randall Kayser

AMS 361 Applied Calculus IV: Differential Equations AMS 361 Webpage 
Prerequisite:  AMS 161 or MAT 127 or 132 
Note: May not be taken for credit in addition to MAT 303 
89833 LEC 01 TR 3:30-4:50PM Loc: Frey Hall 102 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Yuefan Deng
89832 REC R01 RECM 2:00-2:55PM Loc: Hvy. Engineering 201 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Adrian McAfee-Zegar
89831 REC R02 RECR 12:30-1:25PM Loc: Melville Lbry. E4320 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Justin Burzachiello
90477 REC R03 RECW 2:00-2:55PM Loc: Melville Lbry. W4525 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Adrian McAfee-Zegar
91223 REC R04 REF 12:30-1:25PM Loc: Frey Hall 105 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Justin Burzachiello

91626 LEC 02 MW 6:30-7:50PM Loc: Earth & Space 131 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Iordan Michev
91627 REC R05 RECT 6:30-7:25PM Loc: Earth & Space 131 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Iordan Michev

AMS 380 Data MiningAMS 380 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 210 or MAT 211; and AMS 311
92027 LEC 01 T 6:30-9:20PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 111 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Pawel Polak

AMS 394 Statistical LaboratoryAMS 394 Webpage
Prerequisites: AMS 310 or AMS 315 
91413 LAB L01 TR 8:00-9:20AM Loc: Melville Lbry. W4540 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Weihao Wang

AMS 475 Undergraduate Practicum AMS 475 Webpage 
Prerequisites: U4 standing as an undergraduate major within the college; a minimum GPA of 3.00 in all Stony Brook courses and the grade of B or better in the course in which the student is to assist; permission of department.  
89830 TUT T01 1 APPT 01:00-01:00AM Loc: Mathematics P134B Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Esther Arkin

AMS 476 Undergraduate Practicum AMS 476 Webpage  
Prerequisites: U4 standing as an undergraduate major within the college; a minimum GPA of 3.00 in all Stony Brook courses and the grade of B or better in the course in which the student is to assist; permission of department.   
91094 TUT T01 1 APPT 01:00-01:00AM Loc: Mathematics P134B Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Esther Arkin

AMS 487 Research in Applied Math AMS 487 Webpage 
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and department.  
89829 TUT T01 1 APPT 01:00-01:00AM Loc: Mathematics P134B Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Esther Arkin