Advanced Energy Conference 2016 - The Premier New York State Energy Conference

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Secure your spot as a sponsor or exhibitor today!
Exhibitor setup: April 20, 2016

The brightest and most influential minds from every part of the energy sector will be in New York City next April, attending the industry’s most broadly based conference. The last time this conference was held at the Javits Center it attracted nearly 2,000 attendees from 22 countries, and decision makers from 765 energy-related corporations and other organizations. If any segment of the energy market is important to your company’s future, then sponsoring and exhibiting at Advanced Energy 2016 will reinforce its leadership position.

Advanced Energy 2016 offers a unique opportunity to put your business, and its products and services, on display before an audience of C-level executives, policy makers, and other leaders from the utility, energy products and services, and renewable energy sectors. These are the people who make the buying decisions and influence energy policy. As a sponsor, you’ll enjoy prominent exposure in all Advanced Energy 2016 publicity and marketing initiatives, conference signage and literature, and digital promotions.

To learn more about the opportunities and benefits open to sponsors and exhibitors, download our prospectus and lock in your company’s sponsorship and exhibition space at Advanced Energy 2016.

Click here for sponsorship/exhibitor prospectus
Advanced Energy 2016 reaches into every segment of the energy sector
A preliminary list of some of the tracks and sessions planned:

  • Offshore Wind Policy for the US (panel)
  • Better Practices in Power Market Redesign for Distributed Generation (panel)
  • Policy to Advance Energy Infrastructure Upgrades (panel)
  • Lessons in Energy Transitions from Islands of Energy (panel)
  • US energy policy (Q&A speaker)
  • Technology Advances Driving Energy Policy
  • Energy Policy Stimulating Technology Developments
  • The Nexus of Energy Policy and Energy Finance
  • Global, Federal and State Energy Policies
  • Energy Finance Mechanisms, Markets and Risks
  • Paths to a Global Carbon-free Energy Policy
  • Superconducting Energy Storage Systems
  • Manufacturing Energy Usage and Optimization
  • Additive Manufacturing and its Impact on Energy Consumption
  • Global Advancements in Heat Pumping Technology
  • Energy Harvesting Technology – Localized and Large-scale
  • BioFuel and BioMass Harvest and Conversion
  • Production Technologies for Low Carbon Energy
  • Utilities Moving Forward on Smart Distribution Systems
  • Smarter Generation and Transmission
  • MicroGrid Developments and Lessons Learned
  • Energy Cybersecurity – a Spectrum of Solutions
  • New York State - Reforming the Energy Vision
  • Grid Integration of Renewables – Case Studies & Technologies
  • Mining techniques on Big Data in the Energy Space
  • Urban Building Energy Data Analytics
  • Highly Optimized Data Center Energy Solutions
  • Advances in Chemical Energy Storage and Applications
  • Ultracapacitor Deployment Lessons and Breakthroughs
  • The Lighting Revolution – Radical New Deployments
  • Intelligent Lighting Systems – Faster, Better Cheaper
  • State-of-the-art Energy Materials and Applications
  • Advanced Transportation Concepts for Energy Savings
  • Anti-idling Technologies and Policies
  • Mobile Refrigeration Technologies
  • Electric Vehicle Infrastructure  - Fleet, Commercial and Consumer Levels
  • Advanced Commercial Hybrid Vehicle Technologies
  • Technologies Enabling Future Ultra-efficient Mass Transportation
  • Transportation at the Crossroads – Infrastructure Advancements
  • Cleantech Workforce Workshop
  • A Revolution in New Building Efficiency – Technologies and Cost
  • Upgrading our Aging Building Census for Energy Efficiency
  • Novel Controls and Technologies – Humans in the Building Control Loop
  • Select ARPA-E Innovative Technology Reviews
  • Offshore Wind – Benefits, Technologies and Challenges
  • Offshore Wind – Examples and Lessons Learned from Europe and ROW
  • Combined Heat and Power Technologies for Small Scale Commercial
  • Ground Source Geothermal Advances and Opportunities
  • Energy Technology & Business Innovation Across New York State
  • Grid Stability with High Renewables Penetration
  • Energy Storage Techniques and Examples for Peak Reduction
  • Small-scale Energy Storage Options and Analysis
  • Large-scale Energy Storage Systems
  • Advances in Battery Technologies – Chemistry, Topology and Packaging
  • PV Solar as a Commodity – the Technology and Finance Landscape
  • Solar Thermal Harvesting Technologies and Thermal Storage Systems
  • Community Solar - Business & Utility Models
  • Water Energy Nexus
  • Sustainability program ROIs
  • Emission and Fuel Savings - Anti-idling Advances
  • Electric Bus Performance in Urban Routing Scenarios
  • Nanotechnology in BioEnergy Processing
  • Nanotechnology Materials in Energy Storage - Process and Product
  • Harvesting Energy From Our Oceans and Waterways
  • Cleantech START-UP NY Business Technologies
  • (Other) Statewide Energy Incubator Business Technologies
  • Fuel Cell Business Models & On-site Generation
  • Fuel Cell Advanced Technologies
  • Fuels Cells in Transportation Applications
  • Infrastructure for 100% Renewables
  • Wireless Battery Charging for Vehicles
  • Track of Utility CEOs and Programs
  • Nuclear Modular Generators
  • Nuclear Safety and Aging Reactors

Advanced Energy 2016 is the ideal place to network with industry thought leaders and key policy makers, to look for the next “big thing” in energy, and make contact with potential strategic partners or financiers. Make your presence and commitment known; secure your sponsorship and prime exhibit space today!

Sponsors already committed to participation in Advanced Energy 2016 include:

Logos of Sponsors already committed to participate in  Advanced Energy 2016
Register today and save! Register online today for Advanced Energy 2016
and qualify for discounts on all conference tickets!
Online Registration:
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Previous Advanced Energy Conferences have set the standard for energy conferences in the future.
Don’t delay – clear your calendar for this important gathering of Energy Leaders today!

APRIL 21 & 22, 2016

For information about sponsorships, exhibiting, attending or to be included in future correspondence about
Advanced Energy 2016, please contact Kathleen Ferrell at or 631.216.7114.

Click Here to Register

Advanced Energy Research & Technology Center

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