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Researcher of the Month

 Alo Chakravarty

August: Alo Chakravarty,  Velay Fellow, physics major, class of 2026. Research area: Investigating the Exotic Higgs Boson Decay pp  H  Za  bbμμ 
Mentor: Dr. John Hobbs (Physics &  Astronomy)

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News & Announcements

August 2 - Summer Symposium - Union Ballroom, 10-11:30
*features student research from BioPREP, Explorations in STEM, INDUCER, SUNY SOAR, REU, URECA, and Velay Fellowship summer programs
*Index of posters
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URECA Celebration

URECA Celebration

URECA's Celebration of Undergraduate Research & Creativity, a campus-wide undergraduate research symposium with posters, talks, exhibits! 
May 7, 2025

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