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August 20, 2024


To: Ammann and Gray Hall Residents

Subject: Urgent Update about your On-Campus Housing Assignment

Dear Student,

Our Campus Operations and Maintenance teams have finalized their assessment and have confirmed that most of our residential buildings are safe and ready to be occupied. Unfortunately, Ammann and Gray residence halls will need extensive repairs and cannot be safely occupied, so you will be guaranteed housing and administratively reassigned to a new space

Our team is working diligently to have most assignments finalized and communicated by Friday, August 23 at 3pm. If we do not communicate your new assignment by 3pm on Friday, we will provide additional information on anticipated timeline and the impact on orientation and classes. This room could be any room configuration and in any location on campus or nearby hotel. The updated assignment with a new check-in time will be communicated to your Stony Brook email.

If assigned to a temporary triple room on campus, you will receive an approximate 15% reduction of the room rate credited to your account for the days your room was designated as a temporary triple. For more detailed information about temporary tripling, please refer to our Tripling Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) webpage.

Additionally, please be aware of the following regarding your housing rate:

  • If your new assignment has a lower housing rate than your initially assigned room, credits will be applied to your account to reflect the difference.
  • If your new assignment has a higher housing rate than your original rate, you will not be required to pay the difference.
  • Starting the third week of the semester, you can inquire about room changes or swaps if you are looking for a different space.

We acknowledge that this news is unexpected, and we want to reassure you that we are dedicated to facilitating this transition as seamlessly as possible. Your safety, comfort, and academic success remain our foremost priorities.

Canceling Housing: If this occupancy update changes your preference for living on campus, you can receive the $5,000 cancellation incentive for those who have not moved into their Fall 2024 assignment. You will receive a full housing refund, any deposit credited to your account, and the $5,000 incentive. 

  • If this option is of interest to you, visit the housing portal by noon on Wednesday, August 21 to cancel your housing. You will see this option on the main page for 2024-2025 Housing Agreement Cancellation Request where you will see additional information about the incentive. 
  • This offer is exclusive to those receiving this email and does not apply to other individuals. 
  • Should you need housing again in the future, you will be able to participate in Room Selection for 2025-2026. Please note that after 12pm noon on Wednesday, August 21 any decisions to cancel are at the standard cancellation policies prior to accepting your room key.

Assignment Information: Your assignment and any information about roommates and/or suitemates will be displayed on the Assignment Confirmation page of the housing portal You will also receive move-in instructions along with your assignment email.

Once you accept the key to your room, you will be financially liable and charged for housing for the remainder of the housing agreement. See our financial liability website for additional details:

Please continue to monitor your Stony Brook email for further information regarding your arrival timeslot. General arrival information and flood FAQs can be found on our arrival dates website.

If you are a first year student, we understand that a delayed arrival will impact your ability to fully participate in New Seawolves Welcome activities. If you are not able to participate in the activities, we will be offering additional opportunities for you to connect with your classmates.

Please continue to check your Stony Brook University email account regularly. You are encouraged to share this update with your parents/guardians, including forwarding this email so that they are informed. We understand this is a difficult situation and appreciate your patience.



Campus Residences