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August 21, 2024


To: All Students

Subject: What You Need to Know About Your Rights and Responsibilities

Dear Seawolves,
As we welcome you to the new academic year, let’s work together to build a respectful and inclusive community. In President McCormick’s message last week, he shared the guidelines that are in place to ensure that everyone at Stony Brook can thrive in a safe and supportive environment. 
The Stony Brook University Guide for Campus Events/Activities and Demonstrations outlines the policies and rules that we are all expected to follow, and is an important document for you to read so that you are informed of your rights and responsibilities. Below is a summary of the main points in the guide:
  1. Being a civically engaged Seawolf includes exercising your right to freedom of speech through peaceful demonstrations, assemblies, and other activities. It’s important to remember that a demonstration that is peaceful must also follow the University’s policies as noted in the guide. 
  2. As a community, we must agree to respect the rights of others, ensure that University operations are not disrupted, and follow time, place, and manner expectations. This means, for example, if a University official is aware of a policy violation and asks a student or group of students to stop a particular behavior or activity, or leave a space, or move to another location, we expect everyone to comply with this request.
  3. Some students may not agree with a particular rule or policy. Still, we have a responsibility to enforce our rules in a manner that is viewpoint and content-neutral for the safety of our campus community. In situations where students do not follow the rules and policies, it may result in a referral to Student Conduct and Community Standards, along with other possible actions, including removal, arrest, and prosecution.
  4. Protecting free speech also means respecting the free speech of others. If a student disagrees with someone else’s viewpoints, they do not have the right to stop that individual or group from expressing their views or stop others from listening to them. Instead, we recommend that students use their own speech to share their viewpoints, with the understanding that they follow time, place, and manner expectations.
  5. We have a collective responsibility to ensure that every student at Stony Brook has the right to study and learn in an environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. Allegations of harassment and discrimination should be reported to the Office of Equity and Access.
  6. Before organizing events and activities, students and student organizations are encouraged to work with the Office of Student Life and receive guidance on coordinating a successful event that follows policies and guidelines. 
  7. Students looking to schedule an event are expected to follow the appropriate policies and guidelines, including the Use of Campus Facilities Policy and the Community Guidelines for Recognized Student Organizations. For indoor and outdoor spaces that are reserved, the group with the reservation has priority in utilizing the space. 
  8. Microphones, speakers, bullhorns, and any other amplified sound equipment must not interfere or conflict with University operations and are limited to designated areas as noted in the guide unless approval has been granted.
  9. To ensure the safety of the Stony Brook community, temporary lodging in non-permanent structures (such as tents, sleeping bags, etc.) is not permitted. Erecting structures, walls, and barriers without permission is not permitted. Structures that are not approved will be removed.
  10. Unauthorized overnight activities are not permitted. Overnight demonstrations are not permitted in any indoor or outdoor University location. Students who enter and remain without permission on University premises are trespassing, and as such, applicable provisions of the NYS penal law may apply.
  11. Before advertising any activity or event, students should read the Posting Information: Posters/Flyers Policy to ensure they know what is and is not permitted. Chalking is not permitted anywhere on the campus.  
Thank you for doing your part to help create a community that treats one another with kindness, care, and respect.  
Rick Gatteau, PhD
Vice President for Student Affairs