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Campus Updates Following Flash Flooding 

August 19, 2024

Dear Stony Brook Campus Community,

Following last night's severe rains, Long Island experienced a flash flooding emergency that brought about flooding and power loss across our campus. Damaged areas include several residential halls, classrooms, offices, and other venues. Stony Brook University Hospital and the Long Island State Veterans Home continue patient care uninterrupted while our teams work around the clock to remedy the situation. We realize these circumstances are bringing about unexpected stress at an already emotional time for students and families. For that, I am so very sorry.

Our frontline teams across the campus are making the safety and well being of our students, faculty and staff their top priority. I am so grateful for their spirit of collaboration guided by our leaders and staff in our Enterprise Risk Management, Student Affairs, Facilities and Enrollment Management divisions.

We are committed to keeping communication clear and frequent and will update you when there is news to share. I urge students to monitor their Stony Brook emails for important updates regarding move-in dates as well as news about events and happenings that are still scheduled to take place throughout the week.

Embedded deeply in our campus culture is the belief that Seawolves help Seawolves, and in these days ahead, it will be essential for all of us to support our classmates and colleagues. I have every confidence our Seawolves, new and returning, will maintain that tradition in the coming days. Please connect and be kind to one another, paying particular attention to our new students – many of whom have moved away from their hometowns and families for the first time – as they navigate a new community during a challenging time. Together we will turn this adversity into an opportunity to display our resilience, compassion and unity.

Thank you for all you do for Stony Brook.


Richard L. McCormick
Interim President