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Bent Nielsen retires after 23 years of service


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Bent came to Stony Brook in January 2001 joining Emilio Mendez's group.  Bent served various research groups before becoming the Manager of the Instructional Lab in 2014 serving the department very well for the next 10 years.  Bent was a member of the Neutrino and Nucleon decay (NN) group that received 2016 Breakthrough Prize for their contributions to the Super-Kamiokande, K2K and T2K experiments.  Bent specifically contributed to the construction of the P0D detector for the T2K experiment. 


After his retirement, Bent will continue his involvement in the department through his visiting scholar appointment.  His broad experience and expertise with the Instructional Lab will be highly valuable for the department. 


Congratulations to Bent for his well deserved retirement and we wish him the very best.


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