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Radical Education Project Collection

Collection Number
SC 124

OCLC Number

Radical Education Project

Purchased by Stony Brook University Libraries from the Radical Education Project between 1970 and 1972.

Extent, Scope, and Content Note
The collection comprises of 2 linear ft. of pamphlets and publications published by the Radical Education Project and associated groups between 1960 and 1972. The Ann Arbor, Michigan-based group was an effort by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) activists and intellectuals to develop a research, education, and publication center designed to strengthen the movement toward a new left in America. 
Topic coverage includes as imperialism, class conflict, women's liberation, capitalism, and the Third World.

Arrangement and Processing Note
Items are organized alphabetically by format. If identified, a date of publication has been noted.
Processed in 2004. Finding aid updated and revised by Kristen J. Nyitray in January 2020.


Restrictions on Access
The collection is open to researchers without restriction.

Rights and Permissions 
Stony Brook University Libraries' consent to access as the physical owner of the collection does not address copyright issues that may affect publication rights. It is the sole responsibility of the user of Special Collections and University Archives materials to investigate the copyright status of any given work and to seek and obtain permission where needed prior to publication.  

Radical Education Project Collection, Special Collections and University Archives, Stony Brook University Libraries.

Radical Education Project (Ann Arbor, Mich.)
Radical Education Project (Detroit, Mich.)
Students for a Democratic Society (1969-1974)
New Left.
African Americans -- Civil rights.
Printed ephemera -- United States -- Sources.Social movements -- United States -- History -- 20th century.
Civil rights movements -- United States -- History -- 20th century.
Protest movements -- United States.
Student movements.
Feminism -- United States -- History -- 20th century.
Women's rights.
Church and social problems.
Vietnam War, 1961-1975.
Peace movements -- United States.
Gay liberation movement.
Grape Strike, Calif., 1965-1970.
Nineteen sixties.
Nineteen seventies.
Social conflict.
Radicalism -- United States.
Strikes and lockouts.
Corporations, American.
Developing countries.
United States -- Race relations -- 20th century.
United States -- Politics and government -- 1945-1989.


Box 1


Academic Quagmire, The. Stu Dowty (1968)
American Economic Imperialism: A Survey of the Literature. William Caspary
Anthropology and Imperialism. Kathleen Gough Aberle
Basta Ya! The Story of Los Siete de la Raza
Birth Control Handbook. Donna Cherniak and Allan Feingold (1970)
Building Lyndon Johnson. David Welsh
Caw! no. 3, fall 1968
China Policy Study Group Broadsheet, vol. 7 no. 5, May 1970
Corporate Imperialism for the Poor. Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven
Day Care, Who Cares? Corporate and Government Child Care Plans. Vicki Breitbart
Debate Within SDS: Rym II vs. Weatherman. REP Collective
Democracy and the University. Richard K. Pope (1965)
Education: An American Problem. Bill Ayers
Exploitation or Aid? US-Brazil Economic Relations: A Case Study of American Imperialism. Andre Gunder Frank (1963)
First Street School, The. George Dennison (1966)
Free Palestine, vol. 3, no. 7-8, November-December 1971
Fundamental Resolution of South Vietnam Congress of People’s Representatives
Fundamental Resolution of South Vietnam Congress of People’s Representatives and Program of Action of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam
Gay Liberator, November 1971
Gay Manifesto, A. Carl Wittman
Great Flint Sit-Down Strike Against G.M. 1936-37: How Industrial Unionism Was Won. Walter Lindler (1967)
Guevara, Debray and the CIA: Report From Bolivia. Richard Gott (1967)
Hanna Industrial Complex, The. Edie Black and Fred Goff (1969)
Health Care and Medical Work in China. Joshua Horn
Hunger. Andre Gunder Frank
In a Crisis the Center Falls Out: The Role of the Faculty in the Columbia Strike. Dick Greeman
In White America: SDS and Radical Consciousness. Greg Calvert and Carl Davidson (1967)
Introduction to the Black Panther Party, An. The John Brown Society (1968)
Labor and the South. Robert Analavage (1968)
Meaning of Economic Imperialism, The. James O’Connor
Mother Jones in Appalachia. Keith Dix (1970)
Mushroom Effect: A Directory of Women’s Liberation (1970)
NACLA Research Methodology Guide. North American Congress on Latin America (1970)
Other Israel, The: A Critique of Zionist History and Policy. Israeli Socialist Organization (1968)
People’s History of Cape Breton, The (1971)
Position and Progress of Black America, The: Some Pertinent Statistics. Thomas F. Mayer (1967)
Power in American Society. Jim Jacobs
Putting-On the Poverty Program. David Wellman
Radical Defense Handbook, A
Radicals in the Professions, vol. 1, no. 8, July-August 1968
Red Papers, The
Red Papers, The, 3
Rise of the People’s Communes, The. Anna Louise Strong
Rostow’s Stages of Economic Growth Through Escalation to Nuclear Destruction. Andre Gunder Frank, undated
Scarce Resources: The Dynamic of American Imperialism. Heather Dean
Second Declaration of Havana: Reclama Su Libertad (1962)
Strike at Frisco State! The Story Behind It
Thoughts on the Movement: Who Does the Movement Move? John McDermott (1967)
To the Point...of Production: An Interview With John Watson
Towards a Democratic History. Jesse Lemisch (1967)
U.A.W. Settles With Ford, The: Sellout and Insurgency in the Auto Industry. Jim Jacobs
University, The. Allen Krebs (1967)
University-Military Complex: A Directory and Related Documents. Michael Klare
Viet Report: Colonialism and Liberation in America, summer 1968
Vietnam: A Thousand Years of Struggle. Terry Cannon (1969)
We May Not Have Much, but There’s a Lot of Us! 
Where it’s At: A Research Guide for Community Organizing. Jill Hamberg (1967)
White Blindspot and Can White Radicals be Radicalized? Noel Ignatin and Ted Allen (1969)
Women vs. Health Industry: Health Care May be Hazardous to Your Health. Alice Wolfson
Zionism and the Israeli State. Larry Hochman


Black Panther, The
Vol. 4, no. 16, Saturday, March 21, 1970

Vol. 2, no. 2, June 1970

Vol. 5, no. 10, November 1969

Vol. 4, no. 9, undated

September-October, 1971

Box 2


America the Beautiful: An Essay on Daniel Boorstin and Louis Hartz. James O’Brien
Argument of Latin America: Words for North Americans. Carlos Fuentes (1963)
Bread and Roses. Kathy McAfee and Myrna Wood
Black Book, The. Earl Ofari and Judy Davis
Black Liberation: Cultural and Revolutionary Nationalism. Earl Ofari, undated
Black Marines Against the Brass
Black Workers in Revolt: How Detroit’s New Black Revolutionary Workers are Changing the Face of American Trade Unionism. Robert Dudnick (1969)
Bus Stop: Alice’s Restaurant Revisited. George Hanley
Common Market, The: International Capitalism and the “Supra-Nationality.” Ernest Mandel (1967)
Consumption: Domestic Imperialism. Dave Gilbert
Contemptuous Hairdressers: Ceremonies of Humiliation in School. Edgard Z. Friedenberg (1966)
Cops are Hired to Enforce the Laws
Cultural Revolution in China, The: A Socialist Analysis. Leo Huberman and Paul Sweezy (1967)
Divorce Trial in China, A. Felix Greene (1961)
Does My Liberation Mean Not Your Liberation? 
Don’t Carry More Than You Can Eat, or How to Survive a Little Bit Longer Than You Will if You Keep On Doing What You’re Doing Right Now
Double Jeopardy: To Be Black and Female. Frances Beal (1971)
Economic Aspects of U.S. Imperialism. Harry Magdoff (1966)
Economic Basis of Law and State, The. Ken Cloke (1971)
Eritrea: The Hidden War in East Africa. Mary Hanson
Fight on to Victory! Detroit’s League Speaks
Galbraith Reappraisal, A: The Ideologue as Gadfly. Robert Fitch (1968)
G.E.: Profile of a Corporation. Jerry De Muth (1967)
To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Education (1969)
Hard Times in Detroit. Bob Hippler and Dave Riddle (1970)
Having a Right--On Baby! Faith H. Liebert
Historians and the New Deal. Brad Wiley
I am Furious (Female)
Imperialism: An Exchange. Robert Wolfe and Ronald Aronson (1966)
Imperialism Old and New. Hamza Alavi (1964)
Kennedy’s Cultural Center is a Leopard-Skin Pillbox Hat. Charlie Simpson, undated
Long March in Latin America, The: Guerrilla Movements: Theory and Practice. Regis Debray (1965)
Man’s World and Welcome to It. Kae Halonen, undated
Mass-Line Leaders and Leadership in Rural China: Chapter Eighteen of The First Years of Yangyi Commune. Isabel and David Crook
Mind of Clark Kerr, The: His View of the University Factory and the “New Slavery.” Hal Draper (1968)
Myths of the Cold War. Isaac Deutscher (1965)
On the Mechanisms of Imperialism: The Case of Brazil. Andre Gunder Frank (1964)
Peasants and Revolution. Hamza Alavi (1965)
PLP: A Critique
Political Economy of Women’s Liberation. Margaret Benston (1969)
Powers Behind Apartheid, The. G. Fasulo
Private Power and the New Indochina War. Fred Cohen (1970)
Problems of United States Capitalism. Harry Magdoff (1965)
Protective Laws. Joan Jordan
Radical America, vol. 4, no. 4, May, 1970. C.L.R. James
Radio Free People: 1971 Catalog of Tapes
Seminar on Radicalism in U.S. History. Ken Walzer and Dennis Gregg
S.M. Lipset: Social Scientist of the Smooth Society. Jim Jacobs
Subversion of Collective Bargaining, The. Daniel Bell (1960)
Stock Ownership and the Control of Corporations. Don Villarejo (1961)
Struggle in Guinea, The. Amilcar Cabral (1964)
They Almost Seized the Time! Vickie Pollard and Donna Keck
They Say, All the Women Must Be Commandos (1970)
Third World, The: Its Emergence and Contours. Keith Buchanan (1963)
Tierra--O Muerte: The Land Belongs to the People. (1970)
Tierra Y Libertad (1970)
Towards a Democratic State in Palestine (1970)
Trapped in a System. Carl Oglesby (1965)
Tricontinental, no. 21-22, November-February, 1971
Up Against the Blackboard (1968)
Uprooting Racism and Racists in the United States. James and Grace Lee Boggs (1970)
U.S.A.: The Labor Revolt. Stanley Weir (1967)
Vietnam and the Third World. Che Guevara (1967)
Visit to a Rural Commune. Felix Greene
Walt W. Rostow: The Stages of Economic Stagnation. John H. Coatsworth
What is Guerilla Theatre, Anyway? A Summer With the Wisconsin Draft Resistance Union
Would You Believe...? An Introductory Critique of the True Believer and Eric Hoffer and Cold War Ideology. Paul Breines and Peter Wiley
Zimbabwe: History of Struggle. Joseph Z. Dube (1971)