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In The Spotlight

Dr. Flores

Congratuations to Professor Lori Flores who recently won the 2024 Robert W. Cherny Award for her article "Wreathed in Worry, Pining for Protection: Latino Forestry Workers and Historical Traumas in Maine," which appeared in the flagship Journal of American History. The Cherny Award is given to the best article in US labor and political history in a given year published by a member of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association (PCB-AHA). Congratulations again Dr. Flores!

Richard T.

We're happy to share this terrific essay, entitled, "Are These Truths Self-Evident? Students Recreate the Second Continental Congress," from our Ph.D. alumnus and newest colleague, Research Assistant Professor Ricky Tomczak, just published in  AHA Perspectives.

MSThe Stony Brook History Department prepares its doctoral students for a wide range of career opportunities!  Michelle Spinelli, who received her PhD in 2020, has launched a successful career as an independent scholar and editor.  She is now at Yale University, where she is resident historian at the Yale School of Management, helping them prepare a history to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of its founding in 1976. Check out her most recent post “The Historian’s Notebook: 50 Years of Business and Society.” 

Congratulations, Michele!  We are so proud of you!



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In The Media

Jacques Coste Cacho

Jacques Coste Cacho (PhD candidate in Latin American History) recently published an blog essay in the prestigious Mexican newsmagazine, Nexos, reflecting on the role of "loyal" versus "independent" intellectuals in the context of the shift in presidential power in Mexico, "Los intelectuales y la hegemonia."

Books through Bars

Dr. Robert Chase discussed his research recently, first a book panel discussing "Books Behind Bars" as part of the Organization of American Historians annual conference and then a radio program with Professor Gerald Horne.

CSPAN's American History TV panel "Books Behind Bars" 

Discussion of Dr. Chase's book, We Are Not Slaves, on the radio program "Freedom Now," which aired on KPFT LA radio on June 22nd.

Palestine Protest

Yalile Suriel (PhD, 2021) recently published an article that provides historical context to the contemporary police interventions on college campuses for Inside Education, "Are We Repeating the Same Mistakes of the 1960s?"

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