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The Application Process

The Hardship Fund is set up to assist with sudden, unexpected events that cause a financial hardship such as a fire, illness, death of a family member, etc. The Hardship Fund is a fund of last resort. For additional resources, visit  the EAP website.

STEP 1: Schedule an EAP appointment and meet with an EAP Coordinator. Other financial or community resources may also be offered.

STEP 2:  Complete and return the Hardship Fund Application Form to the EAP office. You will be required to verify the hardship. You will need to provide documentation of the event that caused the hardship.

STEP 3: The EAP Coordinator presents the Hardship Fund application and supporting documentation to the Hardship Fund Committee. The EAP Coordinator does not have voting privileges on the committee.

STEP 4: The Hardship Fund Committee carefully reviews the application and decides whether or not the application is approved. The committee may request additional documentation or information prior to rendering a decision.

STEP 5: The EAP Coordinator will notify the applicant of the Hardship Fund Committee's decision after the committee meeting.

The Hardship Fund Committee

An Employee Assistance Program Coordinator meets with the Hardship Fund Committee on a regular basis to present applications for committee review. The EAP Coordinator does not have voting privileges on the committee.

Disbursement of Funds

  1. If approved, a check will be made payable to one or more of the applicant's creditors. If you want more than one bill paid, you will need to obtain W-9 forms signed by each creditor. Indicate on the application form how much to be paid to each creditor. The total requested should not exceed $599.

  2. Arrangements will be made for the applicant to receive funds as soon as possible.

  3. If the application is approved, the applicant will need to pick up the check made out to the creditor at the Stony Brook Foundation Office, 270 Administration, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-1188. You will be required to show ID and sign for the disbursement.

What Should I Do If I Don't Qualify?

The EAP Office can offer guidance with additional resources. To schedule  a consultation, visit  the EAP website.