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Energy Storage


Battery StorageThe following  facilities for the testing and evaluation of energy storage systems and materials are available at the Advanced Energy Research and Technology center (AERTC) and Stony Brook University:

Elemental analysis:

  • Ability to determine elemental composition of materials and in solution

Spectroscopy to map surfaces:

  • Ability to map surfaces to determine local composition

  • Surface area determination

  •  Structural determination of solid

Thermal stability testing:

  • Measure mass loss and phase change as a function of temperature

Battery test capability

  • Cycling, variety of voltage limits and currents are available

  • Temperature control

  • Pulse type testing

  • Determination of heat generated during use

Environmental Testing of Energy Storage and Power Electronics

TestEquity Chamber

The TestEquity environmental chamber, capable of delivering -73°C to +175°C temperature in 27 Cu.Ft. workspace,
40 W x 32 H x 36.5 D (765 Liters), is being used for accelerated and stress testing of energy storage.