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Do NOT use this page if you belong to one of the following student groups below.
Instead, please 
contact your advisor.

Freshman in the Undergraduate College Program
University Scholars
WISE Students

EOP/AIM Students
Student Athletes
Engineering and Applied Sciences Students
Graduate Students


Students on First Semester Warning, Warning, Suspension, Dismissal, or Conditional Reinstatement, please scroll down, click on the appropriate academic standing level below, and follow the instructions outlined.


  • First Semester Warning

    First Semester Warning

    If you have been placed on First Semester Warning (FSW), please visit the Academic Standing  page on the Division of Undergraduate Education website for more information about your academic standing level.

    In order to have the FSW hold removed, click below to either watch the video or schedule an apppointment with an ATAS advisor.

    Talk to an advisor

    Make an Appointment


  • Warning


    If you have been placed on  Warning (WARN), please visit the Academic Standing  page on the Division of Undergraduate Education website for more information about your academic standing level.

    In order to have the WARN hold removed, click below to either watch the video or schedule an apppointment with an ATAS advisor.

    Talk to an advisor

    Make an Appointment


  • Suspension


    Students Suspended at the end of Fall 2022

    If you have been placed on Suspension (SUSP) at the end of the Fall 2022 semester, please follow the instructions as detailed in the suspension email sent to your Stony Brook email address in late December.  

    Students Suspended in Terms Prior to Fall 2022

    For students who were suspended in a prior term (before the Fall 2022 semester), the earliest opportunity to petition for conditional reinstatement is for the Fall 2023 semester.  To review the process to petition for conditional reinstatement with an advisor, please send an email to advising, and an advisor will follow up with you.  If you still happen to have access to  Navigate you can schedule an appointment with an ATAS advisor.  

    All suspended students may also visit the Division of Undergraduate Education's  Academic Standing  page  for important dates and deadlines,  and  Petitions and Appeals page for more information on the petition process.

  • Conditional Reinstatement

    Conditional Reinstatement

    If you have been Conditionally Reinstated from suspension or dismissal, please visit the Academic Standing  page on the Division of Undergraduate Education website for more information about your academic standing level as well as how to connect with your conditional reinstatement advisor.  You may also refer to the information in the email you recieved from the Division of Undergraduate Education Office about your conditional reinstatement.

  • Dismissal


    Academic records for students on conditional reinstatement are reviewed at the end of each fall and spring semester. Students who fail to meet the conditions for reinstatement are dismissed from the University. Please click here for information and advice for dismissed students.

    To discuss alternative options for continuing your education outside of Stony Brook, you may schedule an advising appointment on Navigate to speak with an ATAS advisor.